12/13 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – King/RVD Rematch, Title Match Announced & More

Backstage Bully Ray finds Hulk Hogan in his office, and the Hulkster throws a chair and says that it's Bully Ray's fault that Brooke was put in harms way. He says that if Bully hadn't gone around his back, none of this would have happened. Bully screams at him and says that there was nothing going on between them. He says he f**king bled for Hogan at Bound for Glory, and what he was doing is showing Brooke respect by shutting up Austin Aries. He says it's called doing the right thing, and calls him Terry. He says he used to have respect for Hogan, but not anymore after all this bullshit. Hogan calls him weak and they walk off. Damn good segment. 

(5) Bully Ray vs. Jesse (w/ Tara)

Bully hits the ring running and takes down Jesse with a big clothesline. He takes him down with a shoulder block off the Irish whip and fires off with a series of big, calculated right hands. Jesse finds some momentum and tries to hit a few chops, but they bounce off Bully's chest and he gets taken down by a big boot. Bully props him up in the corner and delivers the loudest chop I have ever heard. The crowd screams "one more time" and he gives it to them. Yet again the crowd wants a chop, but Tara gets in the ring and begs Bully to stop. He smacks her in the ass, which gives Jesse enough distraction to take him down with a clothesline to the back and launch an offensive flury of mounted punches. 

Jesse poses for the crowd, and his chest is bright red from the multiple chops. He picks Bully up, but gets another loud chop straight to the chest. Jesse gets mad and throws several right hands, with the last one finally taking Bully off his feet. He chokes him in the corner and lands a flying splash. As the ref is distracted, Tara getes in a shot of her own, and Jesse takes him down with a standing dropkick. Jesse misses a leg drop and Bully nails him with the Bubba-cutter for the three. 

Winner: Bully Ray

After the final commercial break, Austin Aries makes his way out. He says that he's not surprised Aces & Eights gave him up, but he doesn't really care. He says that money talks, but his money sings. Aries says that six months ago, Hulk Hogan made him fight the TNA battle against Aces & Eights, but that was Hulk's battle, not his. He says he did Hulk Hogan's dirty work, and then pushed him aside to jump on the Jeff Hardy bandwagon. He says he won't stop until he gets back the World Title, which brings out Jeff Hardy and his pink hoodie agan. 

Hardy says that Aries wants to be the World Champ so bad, he hired a motorcycle gang to do his business. He says that if Austin wants a shot, all he has to do is be a man and ask. Austin says he doesn't get to ask, he's got to jump through hoops, climb ladders and…something about fighting dragons. Hardy says he likes Aries' imagination, but says next week it's going to be Hardy vs. Aries III for the World Title. Aries says that he doesn't do thing for the fans, or for Hardy, he does things on his time table. Hardy says he always gives the fans what they want, and hits the Twist of Fate. He goes up top for the Swanton, but Austin rolls out of the way. The two of them stare each other down as Impact goes off the air. 


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