AJ Styles makes his way out, and he doesn't look happy. He says he demanded this time, because he's got something to say. He says he doesn't need to tell anybody where he's been, or what he's done. The crowd chants "you've still got it" and he looks disgusted at them, and at himself. He tells us not to worry, because he's not going anywhere. Styles says that the truth is…he doesn't know where he's going.
He's spend too much time being a corporate guy and trying to take care of everyone else, that he's forgotten about AJ Styles. He says basically when he's out there, is to tell the fans it has nothing to do with them, and nothing to do with the Impact Zone. He says it has nothing to do with Dixie Carter, and nothing to do with Impact Wrestling. He takes off his TNA merch and throws it to the ground. He says he's sick and tired of being the company janitor and cleaning up TNA's mess. He's tired of doing the right thing, and instead says he's going to be doing his own thing. THe Impact Zone cheers him the whole time, because…well, they're the Impact Zone.
Commercial Break
AJ Styles runs into Dixie Carter in the back, and she asks who he is. AJ throws his TNA shirt in her face and walks off. Backstage Chris Daniels and Kazarian are celebrating that AJ has left, and Daniels does his "I made AJ leave" dance. Kaz tells him to stop dancing, and says that he got his partner something awesome for all the hard work he's been doing.
(4) Rob Van Dam vs. Kenny King
In the early going Kenny King blocks all of Van Dam's offense, which the X-Division champ takes in stride. He smiles and they go back to it, this time with Van Dam getting the upper hand. He plays to the crowd and does his "Rob Van Dam" chant, but King takes advantage of his distraction and kicks him to the outside. King pulls the champ back in the ring and snaps off a suplex, but can't get the three. King gets several huge kicks a splash in the corner, but Van Dam fights back. He goes up for the split-leg moonsault, but King rolls out of the way just in time.
RVD heads up top again, this time for the frog splash, but King joins him on the top rope and gets an armdrag from the "high rent district". Van Dam catches a kick from King and hits a kick of his own, before going up top. He comes down with a top rope crossbody, but King rolls it through and gets his feet on the ropes for the pin.
Winner: Kenny King