WWE Smackdown Results (12/7) – Sheamus & Big Show Sign No Contact Agreement, Wade vs Orton

Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett

Orton hits a shoulder block and follows it with a waistlock, but Wade backs him into the corner and elbows him before whipping him across the ring. Orton rebounds with a clothesline, then he sends Wade into the corner but Wade kicks him in the face and punches him on the mat. Wade misses a diving kneedrop and Orton throws him outside, then he throws Wade into the steps and follows it by tossing him into the barricade. Orton rolls in to break the ref’s count, then Wade throws him shoulder-first into the steps before rolling him back inside. He climbs on the apron but Orton kicks him and sets up a hanging DDT, then Wade blocks it and kicks him in the stomach before pointing at Kofi Kingston, who is at the broadcast table.

We get back from a break to see Wade get a two count pin attempt, then he chokes Orton on the ropes and kicks him off the apron. Wade taunts the crowd, then he waves to Kofi before whipping Orton into the side of the ring and rolling him back inside. Wade hits a kneedrop and stomps Orton on the mat, then he goes to the middle rope but Orton rolls away and avoids getting hit with an elbow drop. Orton comes back with some clotheslines and a powerslam, then he sends Wade to the apron and drops him with a hanging DDT. Orton calls for a RKO but Wade counters, then he tries to take the pads off the turnbuckle while the ref is checking on Orton. Kofi jumps up and distracts Wade from cheating, then Wade turns around and Orton drops him with a quick RKO for the win.

Winner –Randy Orton

The Great Khali & Hornswoggle (w/ Natalya) vs Primo & Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes)

Primo tries kicking Khali but he gets chopped and thrown in the corner, then Rosa jumps on the apron and screams at him. The ref gets her off the apron and Hornswoggle trips her from behind, then she chases him around the ring and runs into a clothesline by Natalya. Khali chops Primo again while Natalya continues her attack on Rosa, then Primo knocks Khali outside and pulls Hornswoggle in. Primo and Epico shove him back and taunt him, then Hornswoggle psyches himself up and punches their legs. Khali comes back in and drops them with some clotheslines, then he chops them and tags Hornswoggle, who hits a Tadpole Splash for the win.

Winners – The Great Khali & Hornswoggle