Miz asks if you have you been WWE Champion for 379 days? Yuuuup! In 2010 at the OTL PPV, did Rey Mysterio shave your head bald? Punk glares at Miz. Miz says, well? Punk is pissed, but then says Rey shaved his head bald. The year I main evented WrestleMania, did you lose to Randy Orton? Punk wants to leave, then says he knows he did. Rock attacked Cena, then he lost to Orton, a fantastic RKO ended Miz’s match, but everyone would like to forget… Miz stops Punk, saying he wouldn’t like the test to be swayed, would Mr. Walrus? But Punk wants harder questions? That’s fine and dandy. Does Punk think he can beat Ryback by himself? Punk smiles and says yes, but the red line on the tron jumps in a BIG way.
Punk demands to know what’s going on behind him. He didn’t know that was up there, that doesn’t mean anything. Miz says that Punk could be lying. Miz says how about something more concrete? Did you work with Maddox to win at HIAC? Did you work with The Shield to win at Survivor Series? Did you? Answer it! Punk glares at Miz, slightly nods, then Miz is pulled from the ring and attacked. As this start, Punk removes all the monitors and flees with Heyman. The Shield attacks Miz. The table is tossed from the ring, they bring Miz into the ring and raise him high before they slam him to the mat. Team Hell No comes out to the ring, The Shield wait for him. Bryan is working with Reigns as Ambrose and Rollins work over Kane. It’s a losing battle of numbers when Ryback’s music hits.
Ryback to the ring, then clothesline Ambrose, followed by Reigns and Rollins. Ambrose sent outside, then into the crowd! Bryan deals with Rollins while Kane beats on Reigns. Ryback and Ambrose fight their way to the back. Bryan and Rollins fight their way into the crowd. Kane, fighting with Reigns also fight their way into the crowd! Punk into the ring and asks Miz if he has some questions for Punk now? Punk kicks Miz in the chest and tells him to get out of Punk’s ring. Punk starts to celebrate, but Ryback hits the ring, gets Punk up and marches before slamming Punk to the mat. Ryback leaves the ring and finds a chair, into the ring. From the other side of the ring, Ryback finds a ladder and sends it in. Ryback waits for Punk to get to his feet. Ryback nails Punk in the gut with the ladder. Then Ryback grabs the chair and hits Punk in the back with it. Ryback leaves the ring, finds a table and sends it in. Ryback sets up the table, gets Punk up and powerbombs Punk through the table!
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