WWE RAW Results (11/5) – RAW Invades England, Brad Maddox Speaks, Survivor Series Shakeup!

Alberto knees him and stomps his chest, then he chokes Kofi on the ropes and puts him in the Cross Armbreaker on the ropes. He runs towards the corner but Kofi rolls away, then he favors his shoulder but ends up hitting some shoulder tackles and the Boom Drop. Kofi calls for Trouble In Paradise, but Alberto ducks and goes for the Cross Armbreaker, only to have Kofi counter and connect with S.O.S. for a near fall. Kofi goes for a springboard crossbody but Alberto dives away, then he sets up a Cross Armbreaker but stops when Randy Orton's music cues up. Orton never comes out but Alberto looks around for him, and Kofi uses the opportunity to roll Alberto up from behind and steal the win. Alberto flips out as Kofi celebrates on the stage, then Orton slides in behind Alberto and drops him with a quick RKO.

Winner – Kofi Kingston

Santino Marella & Zack Ryder vs Primo & Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes)

Santino puts Primo in a hammerlock, then Primo reverses it so Santino dances out of it and puts him in a side headlock. Primo punches him in the face and whips him into the ropes, but Santino continues to run the ropes until he applies an armbar. Zack tags in and flapjacks Primo for a near fall, then he ducks a clothesline and goes for a crossbody. Primo ducks so Zack hits the ropes, then Epico tags in and chokes Zack before suplexing him. Primo comes back in and hits a rolling senton for a near fall, then Zack goes for a small cradle rollup but Santino inadvertently distracts the ref.

Epico hits a dropkick and follows with a side headlock, then Zack tries to make a diving tag but Epico catches him and shoves him in the corner. Primo puts Zack in a headlock but Zack elbows his way out, then Primo attempts a suplex but Zack floats over and drops him with a snap neckbreaker. Santino tags in and drops Epico with a hiptoss and goes for a pin, then Primo breaks it up but Zack gets rid of him with a Rough Ryder. Santino gets up and knocks down Epico, then he signals for the end and hits him with a Cobra Strike for the win.

Winners – Santino Marella & Zack Ryder


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