5. Damien Sandow defeated Daniel Bryan. Sandow hit his finisher after Rhodes and Kane got involved. Kane went after Sandow, but Rhodes was able to throw Bryan into the ringpost and pushed him back into the squared circle.
Josh Matthews was in the ring with security. Sheamus and Big Show come out for a face-off.
The security guards stand right in between Sheamus and Show. Big Show talks about the WMD, saying it is better than any other finisher. He mocks Sheamus' Brogue Kick, saying it cannot even reach his head. Sheamus says he likes a pint of ale and a good fight. He also says the time for fighting is now. Sheamus headed towards Big Show, attacked him, and then the security intervened. Both men threw the guards all over the ring, and then Sheamus connected with a Brogue Kick onto a security guard, as Show escapes. This ends Smackdown.