WWE RAW Results (10/22) – AJ Fired & Replacement Named, Gabriel Gets Upset Win, Punk vs Sheamus Lumberjack Match

Matt Striker introduces the show and goes over the rules, then he says Kane and Bryan should tell the fans a little bit about themselves. Bryan says he is a former world champion, and he's not a goatface but he is the world's toughest vegan and he's the tag team champions. Kane says he's a Scorpio and he enjoy puppies and rainbows, and Striker asks if he's serious, so Kane says hell no, but Bryan says he does like rainbows. The Rhodes Scholars cut them off and Damien Sandow says they refuse to participate, and this is a ridiculous concept but Cody says they will still win the titles on Sunday.

Kane says Striker's show is a bust, and Striker says they are the winner's by forfeit so Bryan jumps around and celebrates. Kane stands up and moves towards Striker, but he gets out of the ring and says they aren't going to get their hands on him. Striker says he wishes he could wish them luck on Sunday, but he won't because he doesn't care about them, and he starts laughing as he backs away. Big Show comes out behind him and Striker bumps him, then Show gets pissed and throws him across the stage before heading to the ring.

Big Show vs Kane (w/ Daniel Bryan)

Big Show chops Kane in the corner but Kane fights back and splashes him, then he sends Show into the ropes but Show comes back with a quick spear. Show makes fun of Bryan and attacks Kane's shoulder, then he headbutts him in the corner and connects with a few body shots and a clothesline. He hits an elbow drop for a near fall then punches Kane in the ribs, and he continues to hit Kane in the corner and puts him in a bearhug. Kane tries to break the hold and goes to bodyslam Show, but Show shifts his weight and falls on Kane before choking him on the ropes. (Cont'd…)


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