Bubba The Love Sponge Calls Hogan Delusional, Says Hogan Might Have Leaked The Sex Tape Himself

Hulk HoganTMZ.com is reporting that on his radio show this morning, Bubba The Love Sponge claimed that Hulk Hogan is delusional, and that there is a possibility that Hogan leaked the sex tape himself. The following is an excerpt from the TMZ report:

Bubba made it clear … he and Hulk are no longer best friends — in fact, it sounds like they pretty much hate each other's guts.

At one point in the show, Bubba called Hulk a "self-centered" man who has delusionally convinced himself that Nick was innocent in that 2007 car crash, Brooke actually has talent and that Linda is "whore." Bubba actually defends Linda throughout the show.

Bubba never really denied having anything to do with the sex tape — but said, "I'm gonna be honest with you, I have not seen the tape … including me supposedly bragging and being a horse's ass."


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