WWE Smackdown Results (10/12) – Sheamus & Big Show Test Their Strength, Ricardo Searches For Orton, Bryan vs ADR

Kofi Kingston vs Big Show

Kofi tries to kick Show in the corner but he gets thrown across the ring, then he rolls to the apron and snaps Show's head down on the top rope. He tries to springboard in but Show punches him on the way in, then he chops him in the corner and runs towards the corner, only to miss a corner splash. Kofi hits a top rope dropkick and the Boom Drop, then he calls for Trouble In Paradise but Show blocks it and follows up with a Knockout Punch for the win. Miz leaves commentary after the match and taunts Kofi in the ring, and he says Kofi always ends up beaten and on the ground. He says Kofi always comes up short, so he's going to leave with his Intercontinental Championship on his shoulder, just like he will do when he beats him on Main Event.

Winner – Big Show

Ricardo is talking to Alberto Del Rio is his locker room when he sees a shadow, and he worries it's Randy Orton so he pulls Alberto out of the way. Daniel Bryan walks instead and smiles, then Alberto says Ricardo was worried about seeing a little snake, but all he sees is a smelly goat. Bryan says if he's a goat, it's because he's the Greatest Of All Time, and he's also the tag team champions, but Alberto says Kane is helping him keep the titles. He says the only reason Alberto is talking to him is because Orton didn't find him yet, and it's also true that he just left Booker T's office. Bryan says Booker made a match between the two of them tonight, and he says they'll find out who the real goat is and walks away.

Kaitlyn and Layla are in Booker T's office telling him that they have evidence, and they tell him that Kaitlyn's attacker was wearing a blonde wig. Teddy chimes in and says Aksana found a blonde wig in Eve's bag, then Eve walks over and says this isn't funny and they can't go through her stuff. Eve says she went through Teddy's bag and found a blonde wig, then she blames Teddy for the attack and Layla and Kaitlyn call her a liar. Booker tells them to quiet down and go have some coffee with him, then Teddy says he had nothing to do with it, and Eve says tells him she didn't either.