WWE Night Of Champions Results (9/16) – New Champions Crowned, Ziggler/Orton, Title Match Ends In Controversy

Intercontinental Championship (Fatal 4 Way)

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes vs Sin Cara vs The Miz (c)

Cody and Miz attack Rey and Cara, then Cody throws Cara out of the ring and helps Miz double team Rey. Cara leaps in and hits a springboard kick, then Cody rolls outside and Cara faces off with Rey. Miz pulls Rey outside and Cody goes after Cara, but Cara rebounds with a headscissors takedown on both Miz and Cody. He knocks them both back down so Cody rolls outside, then he catches Miz offguard with a springboard armdrag. Rey slides in and takes Cody out of the match, then Rey and Cara trade kicks before Cara catches him with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Cara sets up a fireman's carry slam, but Rey counters with a spinning armdrag as Miz and Cody come back in.

Cody and Miz try to show each other up by attacking Rey and Cara, then they go after each other when they try to make pin attempts. Miz avoids a Disaster Kick and sends Cody outside, then Rey and Cara trade some pin attempts. They both kick Miz in the chest before trading kicks to each other, then Cara whips him across the ring but Rey catches him with a drop toe hold before he heads up top. Cara leaps up and hits an enziguiri, then Cody runs in and shoves Cara out of the corner before dropping him with a Disaster Kick and rolling him outside. Cody tries to suplex Rey but Miz comes in and hits a tower of doom spot for a near fall on both men, then Miz gets up and kicks Cara off the apron.

Miz kicks Cody back outside and chokes Rey on the ropes, then Rey comes back with some kicks but Miz kicks him in the stomach and drops him with a DDT. Cara comes back in and hits a missile dropkick that sends Miz outside, then he dives on him on the floor while Rey deals with Cody. Rey ducks a clothesline and hits a hurricanrana into the barricade, then he hits a seated senton while Cara tries to pin Miz in the ring. Rey comes back in and catches Cody with a springboard moonsault, then Miz throws Cara into the ringpost and goes for a Skull Crushing Finale. (Cont'd…)