TNA “No Surrender” PPV Results – Bound for Glory Series Finale, Tag Team Championship, Aces & Eights Attack & More

TNA "No Surrender" 2012

Results by Matt Boone and

TNA "No Surrender" PPV Opener:

The event begins with a video of Bound For Glory Series semi-finalist Jeff Hardy entering the arena. Fellow BFG Series semi-finalists Samoa Joe, James Storm and Bully Ray, in that order, are also shown arriving to the building.

The PPV the cuts to the typical opening video package, which focuses heavily on the Bound For Glory Series finals, which will take place live tonight at No Surrender.

Mike Tenay welcomes us to the show inside the arena. He hypes tonight's title matches, as well as the advertised fight between Austin Aries and the leader of Aces & Eights. Jeff Hardy's music hits and we're about to head to the ring for the first time tonight …

Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe (BFG Series Semi-Final)

Our first "Bound For Glory Series" semi-final is underway. Jeff Hardy comes out to a big pop. Samoa Joe comes out to a nice reaction. Hardy goes after Joe's injured arm early on. We have a series of locks and reversals until Hardy sends Joe to the floor. Joe sells his injured arm a bit before getting back in the ring. Once back in the ring, Joe tries to use his power to bully Hardy a bit, but Hardy utilizes his speed to avoid the onslaught. Hardy head-scissors Joe out of the ring. He tries following up with a dropkick through the ropes, but Joe catches him and pulls him out. Joe slams Hardy's head on the apron a few times for good measure. Hardy reverses Joe's attempt to slam him into the steel steps. Hardy gets on the apron and leaps off with a body press onto Joe on the floor. Jeff takes things back into the ring where Joe fights back with a couple of rights and an atomic drop/big boot/back senton combo that’s good for two. Joe picks Hardy up and takes him into the corner with a big back splash and huge enzugiri that’s good for another near fall. Joe picks Hardy up for a snap mare before clamping on a rear chin lock, and then a nerve hold. Hardy fights his way outfinally but walks into a big powerslam from Joe. Hardy and Joe start duking it out. Hardy starts to get the upper hand but Joe throws him to the floor and flies through the ropes after him with a big elbow. Both men are slow to get to their feet, but Hardy scores with a clothesline and a couple of rights. Joe stops Hardy, but misses the backsplash. Hardy hits the double leg dropkick and follows up with a pin for two. Hardy tries for the twist of fate, but he’s pushed away, only to connect with the whisper in the wind for another near fall. Hardy goes to the top, but he’s crotched by Joe. Joe sets Hardy up and tries for the muscle buster. Hardy reverses into a roll up for two. Hardy catches Joe in a submission hold but Joe refuses to tap. Joe fights out of the hold but Hardy manages to roll him up out of nowhere for the 1-2-3.

Winner and advancing to the BFG Series Finals: Jeff Hardy