WWE RAW Results (8/27) – Daniel Bryan Goes To Anger Management, Punk Challenges Lawler To A Fight

Otunga puts Zack in a rear choke then suplexes him for two, then he puts him in a headlock but Zack makes it to his feet and breaks the hold. Zack hits Otunga in the corner but he gets caught with an elbow, then Otunga goes for a clothesline but Zack ducks and hits the Rough Ryder for the win. Kane gets up and slides in the ring behind Zack, then he grabs him by the throat but changes his mind and chokeslams Otunga instead. (Note: Cole commentated the entire match standing up, afraid to be any closer next to Kane. He tried to get Kane to talk and asked about therapy, and the whole thing was pretty funny. It didn't take away from the match; I like Cole when he's not overbearing.)

Winner – Zack Ryder

Josh Mathews is back in the ring to reveal the #RAWactive poll results, and Jerry Lawler versus CM Punk will face each other in a cage match. AJ comes out and says it doesn't matter what happens tonight, because Punk will still defend his title at Night of Champions. She says he will defend against her choice of opponent, then she says it's John Cena and leaves as the cage lowers.

Steel Cage Match

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs CM Punk

Punk taunts King and tells him to take the first shot, then King asks what's going on and Punk says they'll fight but he wants King to hit him. King cracks him in the jaw with a right jab, then Punk falls down and grabs his jaw before getting up and kneeing King in the face. Punk hits a neckbreaker and kicks him in the head, then he applies a headlock and throws King on the mat when he tries to escape. Punk looks like he's climbing out, but he turns and hits King with an elbow, then he knees him in the head and goes up top. (Cont'd…)