Jeremy Borash is in the ring with the results of AJ Styles' paternity test, and he welcomes AJ to the ring as the fans start a 'Who's Your Daddy?' chant. AJ acknowledges it and says they're about to find out, but he needs to apologize to everyone for putting up with this crap for so long. He says he wishes the night didn't happen, but something went on and if he's the father of the baby he will accept responsibility for the child. AJ says he will be a man and take responsibility for the baby, but if he's not the father, he never wants to hear Christopher Daniels or Frankie Kazarian mention this again.
Daniels and Kaz come out and say they aren't buying this, then Kaz says AJ cares more about protecting himself than the baby. Kaz says the truth stings and he only cares about himself, but he should be concerned about the baby and Daniels says Claire Lynch wants him to do the right thing. Daniels says Claire and the baby needs him, but he turned his back on them and Claire isn't there tonight because she's in the hospital. He says she was experiencing complications, and things don't look good so he wants to know if it was all worth it to him. Daniels says Claire is in the hospital because AJ is a selfish bastard, then a woman identified as Claire's lawyer comes out and tells Daniels to stop.
The lawyer says she needs to read something, and she says Claire was approached by Daniels and Kaz in order to blackmail AJ about the baby. The lawyer continues by saying Claire drugged AJ the night they were together, and her deepest regret was that they blamed AJ for everything. She says Claire is not, and never was pregnant, then AJ celebrates as the woman says the pregnancy was all part of a plot to mess with AJ. She says Claire hopes to someday be forgiven, and she is sorry for everything, then she hands Borash the mic and leaves the ring. AJ watches as Daniels and Kaz flip out, then he kicks them both in the head and celebrates as they fall down and retreat up the ramp.