Impact Wrestling Results (8/16) – New KO Debut, Aces and Eights Attacks ‘Unlikely’ Wrestler, Roode Quits?

Hardy avoids a splash by Bully, then they slug it out on the ground before Hardy throws a few rights and follows with a forearm smash off the ropes. He hits an atomic drop and a dropkick for a two count, then he avoids a full nelson slam and follows with a mule kick in the corner. Hardy kicks him on the mat and hits a Swanton Bomb for a two count, then Bully rolls outside and Storm tells the ref he won't do anything. Storm walks away as Hardy dives outside of the ring, but Bully pulls Storm in front of himself and Hardy knocks him down with a plancha. Bully chops Hardy in the corner and whips him across the ring, but Hardy reverses it by running up the turnbuckles and connecting with Whisper In The Wind.

Aces and Eights hits the ring but the wrestler pack runs them off, then Bully picks up Hardy but he gets caught with a Twist of Fate and Hardy takes it. Bully gets up and the bell and floors Hardy from behind, then he picks up his chain and wraps it around his hand. Storm gets in his face and they argue a bit, then Bully shoves him and Storm gets pissed and tries to hit him with a Last Call. Bully ducks and Storm hits Hardy by accident, then Bully runs away as Aces and Eights runs out to the ring. Storm checks on Hardy and doesn't see them in the ring, then they clap for him but end up beating the hell out of him as the show ends.

Winner – Jeff Hardy

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