Jim Ross Blog: CM Punk As A Heel, Undertaker Death Reports, Stone Cold/Adam Sandler

Jim Ross

The following are highlights from the latest online blog by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

JR on whether or not CM Punk is a heel: “Is @CMPunk now a wrestling villain? Depends on who you ask and what side of the aisle one sits. Punk made a great deal of sense on several points he addressed when speaking on Raw Monday night. However, I do see the talented wrestler traveling in the direction of the ‘badlands’ or so it seems. Nice reason to stay tuned.”

JR on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin: “Adam Sandler is going to have to shoot around Steve Austin’s bad wheel in Grownups 2 this week. Steve is in Massachusetts now filming with an all star cast and a bum leg. @steveaustinBSR hopes to be fully healed by January.”

JR on Undertaker death reports: “BTW…The Undertaker is alive and well…but I don’t know when he’s going to return to the ring…nor do I know who his WM29 opponent might be if Taker does indeed compete on April 7, 2013. Internet reports of Taker’s untimely passing today have been running rampant on Twitter. Not true…simply more, make believe horse manure.”

Check out the complete blog online at JRsBarBQ.com.