WWE Smackdown Results (7/27) – IC Title Rematch, Sheamus/Rhodes, Fatal 4 Way Determines New #1 Contender

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

July 27th 2012

Miz starts the show by calling himself the face of the Intercontinental Championship, and he wants to thank all of Christian’s peeps. He says they’re the ones who voted for the match on RAW, and Christian lost because he’s the Miz… and Christian interrupts him. Christian says he knows what Miz was going to say, and he’s not waiting for his rematch clause because he’s doing it tonight in front of his peeps.

Intercontinental Championship

Christian vs The Miz (c)

Miz applies a side headlock and a shoulder block, then he talks trash to Christian and locks back up with him. Christian puts him in a headlock and sends him into the corner, then he punches him a few times and whips him across the ring. Christian backdrops him and sends him to the apron, then he runs towards the ropes but Miz rams him with his shoulder. Miz tries to suplex him from the apron, but Christian blocks it and pulls him onto the floor. He then hits a baseball slide dropkick before rolling Miz in, and he heads up top and sets up a tornado DDT. Miz blocks it then he knees Christian in the ribs, and he kicks him a few times before hitting a running corner clothesline. Miz goes up top and connects with a double axe handle smash for two, then he puts Christian in a seated side headlock.

Miz runs the ropes but Christian surprises him with a back body drop, then they fight near the ropes but Miz dumps him outside as we go to a break. We get back to see Miz kick Christian in the head for a two count, then Christian breaks a headlock and gets a near fall after a sunset flip. Miz hits his neckbreaker/backbreaker combo for another near fall, then he chokes Christian on the bottom rope and waits for him to get up. Christian counters a running clothesline attempt with a kick to the head, then he goes up top but Miz cuts him off. Miz fights with him at the top and goes for a superplex, but Christian blocks it and knocks him down before going for a Frog Splash. (Cont'd…)