Impact Wrestling Results (7/26) – Sting Becomes Interim GM, X Division Title Match, Aces & Eights Continue BFG Attacks

Kurt Angle is with James Storm backstage, and he says Bobby Roode is full of crap but he needs to know if he had a connection with what happened last week. Storm says he knows if he has a problem he will deal with it face to face, and he can take a beating if he needs to. Kurt asks if he has his back in case things get ugly, then Storm agrees as Kurt walks away but he hangs his head like there is something else bothering him.

We come back from a break and see Al Snow flipping out about Joey Ryan's antics, and Taz tells him to calm down but Al gets angrier. He says Joey has his attention now, and Taz says he had a good look and the talent, but they can't discount Sam Shaw. Bruce Prichard says they need to make a decision, and he is leaning one way but they need to go out and get this done tonight. 

Bound For Glory Series

AJ Styles vs James Storm

Storm applies a side headlock but AJ throws him off the ropes and hits a shoulder block, then he goes for a quick rollup as we see Claire Lynch in the crowd. Storm punches him in the corner then slams his head into the turnbuckle before sending him to the ground and putting him in a headlock. AJ makes it to his feet but Storm slams him down and gets a near fall, then he hits a high backdrop and puts AJ in a chinlock. AJ sends him into the ropes and comes back with a dropkick for a near fall, then he lifts him for a scoop slam but Storm floats out of it. Storm tries to put him in a waistlock but AJ sends him shoulder first into the corner, then he hits a snap suplex and puts him in a headlock. (Cont'd…)