WWE Smackdown Results (7/19) – Eight Man Tag Match, Bryan/AJ On The Peep Show, Rey Mysterio’s In-Ring Return

Big Show comes out after the bell and AW runs off with Young and Titus, then Truth tries to attack Show as he enters. Kofi hits Show from behind with Trouble In Paradise, but Young and Titus run back over and attack him on the floor. Show takes out Hunico and Camacho before throwing Epico over the ropes, then he drops Truth with a WMD punch. He picks Hunico and Camacho up and hits a double chokeslam, then he steps on Primo’s chest and hits another WMD punch before asking for a mic. Show says “and… what” as he looks around at the wrestlers in the ring, then he drops the mic and leaves as we see a replay of what just happened.

Damien Sandow vs Zack Ryder

Sandow screams at them to stop during Ryder’s entrance, and he says the fans are embarrassing themselves by supporting a “brainless Broski.” Zack goes after him but the ref backs him away, then he rings the bell and Zack runs towards the corner. He gets a few shots in but Sandow knocks him down, then he jumps on his leg and elbows him on the apron. Sandow elbows him again before he stomps Zack under the ropes, then he picks him up and repeatedly knees him in the corner. The ref backs him away then Sandow picks him up and hits a straight jacket neckbreaker for the win.

Winner – Damien Sandow 

Christian is in the ring for the Peep Show, and he says he’s seen a lot of strange things in WWE but this past Monday raised the bar. He replays Daniel Bryan’s proposal, then he introduces the couple and asks them how wedding planning is going. Bryan says it’s going really well, then AJ agrees and they show a clip of themselves looking for cake and flowers. Christian calls it special but wants to know if Bryan is doing the right thing, and Bryan smiles and says yes. (Cont'd…)