Fourth Match was Sin Cara over McIntyre with Sin Cara getting the win with a DDT Hurricanrana combo. Sin Cara new entrance with the flip off the rope is better then diving over all, very surprised to not see any botches from Cara. McIntyre was putting on a show hitting some very good suplexes that Cara sold amazingly. Lots of Yes chants in this one too.
Very Funny off scene RIB with the WWE Crew and Tony Chimmel some of the crew sat in the tape off area above the TV production guys and started a Chimmiel sucks chant. Then as he was leaving all of them surrounded him and started doing the party boy dance around him wish i had enough battery to take a picture of this lol.
1st match took place before the pyro so not sure how the order will go on TV.
Santino and Layla over Cesaro and Aksana basic comedy match with Santino dancing while on the apron. Very funny when Satino and Layla celebrate its like there humping in the air.
Smackdown Pyro hits and Lilian Garcia, Booker T and Michael Cole came out.
Opening segment with Rey Mysterio returning only to get interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. They talk about how last time in San Diego when Alberto Del Rio beat mysterio for the WWE Title the night after summer slam. Then Albert Del Rio says the next world heavyweight champion is going to retire rey when then comes the Show off Dolph Ziggler. They bicker about why Del Rio didn't let Ziggler cash in at MITB and Del Rio says that they don't have to fight and look to attack Rey when Sheamus comes in. Just as they look to go at it Del Rio books it and Ziggler gets kicked by Sheamus and avoids a 619 by Rey. Rey Mysterio had every single person on there feet with a monster POP biggest of the night.