Tyler Reks & Curt Hawkins vs. Ryback
Hawkins starts the match off with Ryback. Ryback immediately bullies him down. Ryback military presses him up and slams him down. He crawls out to the floor. Ryback chases him out to the floor. As they go back in the ring, Hawkins tags in Reks. Ryback immediately knocks Reks down. Reks finally gets Ryback down and Ryback is actually selling a little bit for a change. Reks tags in Hawkins. Reks bodyslams Hawkins onto Ryback. Hawkins now goes to work on Ryback. Hawkins hits Ryback a few more times and tags Reks back in. Reks hits Ryback a few times and tags Hawkins back in. Cole, Lawler and Booker put over on commentary that Ryback is down more than he’s been in his entire career. Just as they say that, Ryback slams Hawkins down. Hawkins tags Reks in and Ryback clotheslines him down multiple times. He bullies him into the corner and shoulder smashes him a few times. The “Goldberg” chants finally begin in the crowd. Ryback slams both guys down. Ryback powerbombs Hawkins down, holds onto him, picks him up again and powerbombs him right back down. Ryback yells “finish it” to the crowd. He picks Reks up and hits his Shell-Shock finisher on him for the clean pinfall. The streak continues.
Winner: Ryback
Layla & Kaitlyn & Tamina Snuka vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya & Eve Torres
Natalya and Snuka will start off this six-Divas tag-match. Tamina nails Natalya and then does the Superfly pose. Tamina follows up with a chop and a hip toss. Kaitlyn tags in and hits a back breaker. Kaitlyn attempts a nearfall. Phoenix tags in and stares down Kaitlyn. She slaps her. Kaitlyn slaps her back. Layla tags in and hits a bunch of running clotheslines. All girls brawl for a moment until Eve sends Kaitlyn out of the ring. Tamina hits Beth with a superkick and Layla nails her with a neckbreaker for the pinfall and the victory.
Winners: Layla & Kaitlyn & Tamina Snuka