WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Results – July 15, 2012

Bryan is locking in a surfboard submission on Punk. Punk refuses to quit. Punk gets half way out, and grabs the kendo stick. He beats the crap out of Bryan with the stick to break free. And then he beats him some more. He tries a pin but only gets two. Bryan finally fights back a bit. He gets Punk on the top rope. Bryan nails Punk with a superplex off the top. As both guys are laid out, A.J. comes skipping down to the ring. She tells the ref to hit the road. A.J. is now the solo ref again. A.J. skips around the ring. A.J. goes to the floor and grabs a chair. She comes back in and sets the chair directly in the middle of each guy. She backs up and smiles. Both guys crawl to the chair. Bryan gets it and whacks Punk with it several times. He attempts to pin Punk but only gets two. Bryan argues with A.J. that it should have been a three. Meanwhile, Punk rolls Bryan up for a pin attempt. He only gets two. Punk grabs the chair. Punk whacks Bryan with the chair a few times and then wedges it into the corner. A.J. stands in front of it. Punk goes to throw Bryan into it and realizes A.J. is blocking it. Punk yells at her to move. Punk moves next to the chair and Bryan hits a running knee onto Punk in the corner. Bryan goes to grab the kendo stick that is still in the ring, but A.J. is standing on it, not allowing him to get it. Bryan gets up and turns around into a big kick from Punk. Punk grabs Bryan with a chair and bodyslams him with it. Nice. Punk goes to the top. He comes off but Bryan puts the chair in the way and Punk nails it. Bryan locks in the Yes-lock on that same arm. He uses the kendo stick to pull on the neck of Punk. Punk gets the stick away from Bryan while still in the hold and bangs away at him with it to break free. Punk gets up and hits Bryan with the GTS. Punk is slow to crawl on top of Bryan for the pin attempt. He finally covers him but only gets two. Punk stares at A.J. after the pin attempt. Punk goes to the floor and grabs the table he pulled out from under the ring earlier on. He tosses the table into the ring. Punk sets the table up in the ring. Punk places Bryan on the table and goes to the top rope. Bryan comes off the table and crotches Punk on the ropes. Bryan punches Punk on the top a few times and then Punk crotches Bryan on the ropes. Punk goes up and they’re both on the top again with the table set up below them. Punk back-suplexes Bryan through the table. Punk pins Bryan and A.J. counts 1-2-3. Punk wins and retains.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: CM Punk

After The Match:

A.J. hands Punk the title and Punk celebrates on the top. A.J. has a sad look on her face as she looks at both Punk celebrating and Bryan laid out in the table. That’s it, too. No pay off. I guess this feud/storyline is gonna continue. We’re left with A.J. looking sad/confused at both guys as we fade away into a video package.