WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Results – July 15, 2012

After The Match:

After the match, Del Rio and Rodriguez beat down Sheamus. Ziggler’s music hits and out he comes with the briefcase. He nails Del Rio with the briefcase and turns around into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Ziggler is down. Apparently the ref never called for the bell, so Ziggler technically never cashed in his briefcase. Whatever, lol. Anyone without commentary playing right now wouldn’t know that. Confusing WWE rules as usual!

Prime Time Players vs. Primo & Epico

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth are out on commentary for this one. AW is at ringside babbling, as they didn’t turn his mic. off on time. Lots of high-flying action early on. Titus and Epico are the legal men now. Titus sends Epico back into the ring and stomps away at him. He hits a weird rip-cord styles slam before tagging out to Young, and front suplexing Young on top of Epico. Young pills Epico out of the ring apron and holds on to Epico while AW uses a pick to comb out Young’s fro. Titus tags in and stretches Epico up against the ring post, pulling back hard. Titus mocks Rosa with some dance moves. This distracts Epico allowing Titus to hit a big kick. Both guys tag out. Primo hits Young with a dropkick to the back that sends him into the ropes. Primo launches himself, coming down on the back of Young’s head. Young hits Primo with a codebreaker-type move. Primo rolls him up out of nowhere, however, and scores the victory.

Winners: Primo & Epico

After The Match:

After the match, AW claims it doesn’t matter his team lost as they’re still the #1 contenders. They turn their attention to the champs at ringside. They get in Kofi and Truth’s faces, but AW stops them, claiming the money isn’t right. Truth throws water in AW’s face. AW his mad but the Prime Time Players hold him back.