WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Results – July 15, 2012

Pre-Show Backstage: Josh Matthews Interviews Chris Jericho

Backstage, Josh Matthews is with Chris Jericho. Matthews asks him his stategy for tonight. Jericho pauses backstage while he hears the fans in the arena chant Y-2-J. Jericho tells Matthews his strategy is to win, and then calls him a dummy. He says Big Show and Kane are big, and says John Cena has a bigger ego than anyone in the world. Jericho says he created Money In The Bank but he’s never won one. Jericho runs down his old catchphrases and says after tonight he’ll be known simply as “The Greatest Of All-Time.”

Pre-Show Backstage: Josh Matthews Interviews Daniel Bryan

Backstage, Josh Matthews is with Daniel Bryan. Matthews talks about the proposals to and from A.J. Bryan says A.J. is not his ex-girlfriend, but his future wife. Bryan says if CM Punk wasn’t there, she would have said yes to marrying him. Bryan tries to put his best spin on why A.J. slapped him. He continues to praise A.J. He says tonight, will A.J. make the tough and right decisions? Yes. Will she be fair? Yes. Will he emerge with the WWE Title and A.J.s heart? Yes. Yes. Yes.

WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Opener:

The PPV opens with its’ usual bad-ass video package highlighting the history of Money In The Bank, as well as the storylines leading into tonight’s big event.

Smackdown Money In The Bank Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Sin Cara vs. Tensai vs. Christian

The bell rings and all hell breaks loose. Everyone is flying all over the place. When the smoke clears, it’s Tensai dominating everyone, throwing bodies over the top left and right. Tensai brings two ladders into the ring. Tensai slams Kidd into one of the ladders wedged into the ring corner. Kidd and Christian fight back, each beating on Tensai with seperate ladders. They both grab one ladder and clothesline Tensai with it. Kidd, Christian and Santino all climb a ladder in the center of the ring, but Sandow knocks the ladder over, launching all three guys onto the mat. Ziggler and Rhodes now are alone in the ring battling it out. Sin Cara and Ziggler both go to the top rope. Cara tries something, but both guys kind of botch it and just fall down below. The crowd still popped for the spot anyways, and they showed a replay of the screw-up. Christian goes for a frogsplash onto Kidd on a ladder, but Kidd moves and Christian splashes onto the ladder. Kidd is now alone in the ring. He sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring and begins his climb. He realizes the ladder is broken and sets up another ladder. Tensai stops him. Santino tries climbing a ladder but Tensai grabs him. They pretty much botch that spot as well. Tensai and Kidd are alone in the ring now. Kidd tries to climb but Tensai stops him. Kidd brings Tensai over the top and onto the floor. Sandow tries climbing but Sin Cara stops him. Sandow climbs. He actually gets his hands on the briefcase but Christian stops him. Sandow and Christian each take turns climbing the ladder but each guy continues to stop the other. Sandow lays a ladder diagnally in the corner. Sandow goes to powerslam Christian into it, but Christian stops him and hits a backwards DDT on him. Christian ends up spearing Sandow into the ladder set up in the corner. The crowd didn’t really react to that for some reason. Ziggler and Rhodes slam Christian into a ladder. They each try climbing on opposite sides of the ladder. Tensai pulls Ziggler off. Tensai then slams Rhodes off the ladder and throws him out of the ring. Tensai begins to climb. Kidd launches off the top rope and lands feet-first onto the ladder. Wow. Tensai knocks him off. Santino tries stopping Tensai but Tensai kicks him away. Sin Cara climbs up but Tensai knocks him off as well.

Smackdown “Money In The Bank” match continued on next page …