Big Show Does MITB Interview, Talks Acting, How Long We Will Wrestle

WWE Superstar Big Show recently did an interview with to promote this week's Money In The Bank pay-per-view, which takes place in Phoenix. Here are some highlights:

Q: Is it fun or difficult having to amp up the aggressive side of your personality?

A: Well, one beautiful thing about being a WWE superstar is that you may have things going on in your life that are stressful and weighing on your mind. For 15 or 20 minutes, you're in front of the crowd and you can let off all that steam and all that pressure. It's like therapy.

Q: Do you mind getting booed?

A: Here's the thing that my dad used to tell me: Opinions are like elbows, and most everybody has two. If I'm making somebody angry, then I'm doing my job. Not everybody's going to like me. It's not fourth grade.

Q: You've done some acting. Is that something you'll keep pursuing?

A: I don't know. I enjoy it. It's a skill set I need to improve to be good at, but I know I'm not "The Rock" (Dwayne Johnson). I'm not blessed with extremely good looks and charms. I fit a particular niche, but we'll see what comes down the road. Right now, I'm still doing what I love.

Q: You turned 40 this year, and this career can't be easy to age in.

A: I've had an 18-year career, and physically and mentally, I feel fantastic. I have too much fun doing what I'm doing to stop. Barring injuries, I plan on doing this a while longer. Obviously, the sun sets on every athlete at some point, but I don't think that time is near.

WWE Money In The Bank takes place this Sunday, July 15th, at the US Airways Center. You can read the complete interview here.

WWE Money In The Bank


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