WWE RAW Results (7/2) – Big Show/Kane No DQ, Tyson Kidd Gets Upset Win, AJ Causes Further Confusion

Sheamus & AJ vs Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero

AJ tries to go after Vickie but Sheamus pulls her away, then Sheamus locks up with Dolph and takes him down with a waistlock. Dolph comes back with a kick to the head but Sheamus throws him in the air, then he hits him with a forearm shot and gets a two count. Dolph catches Sheamus offguard and kicks him in the head, then he gets a near fall after a quick DDT. Sheamus fights out of a headlock and punches Dolph in the head, then he hits White Noise and calls for a Brogue Kick. Dolph dives out of the way and tags out, then he apologizes to Vickie but gets kicked by Sheamus anyway. Vickie screams at him while he's on the floor, but AJ comes in and hits a shining wizard for the win.

Winners – Sheamus & AJ

AJ heads backstage and looks for CM Punk, then he sees him taking a phone call and asks him who it is. He hangs up and says it was his sister, then she asks if he saw her match and he says he didn't know about it. Punk says he was on the phone for 15 minutes and missed it, then she looks crushed as she says "you weren't paying attention to me" and leaves Punk looking confused.

Heath Slater vs Doink The Clown

Slater says what has been happening to him is not funny, and he is not a clown, then Doink The Clown makes his way out and reveals himself as Slater's opponent. Slater punches him in the head and knocks him down, then he hits a kneelift but Doink punches him in the stomach. Doink whips him across the ring but Slater hits a neckbreaker for the win, then Diamond Dallas Page makes his return and he tells Slater to pose for the crowd. Slater gives him the DDP 'Bang' symbol, then they shake hands but DDP holds his arm and hits a Diamond Cutter before leaving. 

Winner – Heath Slater