Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara
Alberto kicks Cara as he makes his entrance, then he beats on him in the corner then stomps him on the floor. Alberto puts him in the Cross Armbreaker on the floor, then he finally lets go as a few referees run out.
Result – No Contest
AJ is shown adjusting her bracelets backstage when Daniel Bryan walks up behind her and gives her a rose. He says he has always cared about her and he didn't know how to act, but he really is sorry. AJ says that is sweet, and she knows it has nothing to do with her being the guest referee. Bryan says it's not, but she says he never cared, and she can't wait to win her match and run into the arms of her soulmate. AJ looks up at him and eats the rose off of the stem, then she spits the petals on the floor and walks away from him.
Paul Heyman joins us via satellite, and he says Brock Lesnar has made a decision about returning, and he will tell HHH to his face at RAW's 1000th episode. He says he has no doubt that HHH wants to fight, but he figured out why and he says HHH wants a way out and Brock will beat him senseless. Heyman says Brock will end his career and HHH will let himself look heroic, but this won't be a match if it happens, because it will be a mercy killing.