Florida Championship Wrestling TV Results – July 1, 2012

FCW Television Report 7th July 2012 by Mark Robinson @lithiumproject and F4WOnline.com

Match One: Jiro Vs Rick Victor.

Jiro’s music seems to have blended a mixture of traditional Japanese panpipes with a bit of Shaft thrown in for good measure. We’ve gone a minute into the match and Jiro still hasn’t been squashed so God damn he might have a chance. He hit the weirdest Japanese arm drag I have ever seen in my life. Hell he was getting a flurry of offense on, but Victor decided he’d had enough and stomped Jiro somewhat. He hit a HYUUUUGGGGE overhead belly-to-belly suplex, and again surprisingly, Jiro wasn’t put down straight away. Jiro managed to get some big offense again – clearly channelling Tyson Kidd through his veins, but got a little too excited and missed a moonsault. Victor finished things off with a big ol’ Tiger Bomb.

Winner: Rick Victor.

Match Two: Big E Langston Vs Jason Jordan.

Jordan was trying to grapple with Big E early which is less than advisable. He trying to work over the left arm of Langston and seemed to be going for a Fujiwara armbar, but alas got sidewalk slammed for his troubles. Poor Jason Jordan was getting manhandled, and poor us it was really, really boring to watch. Jordan managed to reverse an armdrag into a rather terrible one of his own, but he managed to apply an armbar, albeit not for long. Jordan started getting desperate and was furiously kicking away at the arm and eventually went for another armbar. Big E was in no-man’s land but managed to crawl his way to the ropes. I think he just got bored in the end and finished things off with the Big Ending.

Winner: Big E Langston.

Good lord Steamboat’s new music is soooooooooo terrible.

It’s almost as bad as Summer Raye’s acting.

Leakee made his return

Match Three: Adam Mercer Vs Eric Rowan.

I thought Mercer was supposed to be a meanie? He seems pretty happy about life and all. Rowan won with a reverse Oklahoma Stampede and Chokeslam.

Winner: Eric Rowan.

Cesaro called Steamboat a child and I found it hilarious for some reason.

Match Four: Paige Vs Audrey Marie.

Conspicuous by her absence was Sofia Cortez, after the problems between her and Paige (which they failed to show a video of). Paige took the advantage early with the ol’ stun gun to the ropes and proceeded to work over Marie whilst screaming a lot, and i’ll fully accept i’m a creep – but i was enjoying this. For some bizarre reason Paige had Marie in the corner and was just unleashing all hell and fury until the ref decided to disqualify Paige.

Winner by DQ: Audrey Marie.

Main Event: Conor O Brian Vs Brad Maddox.

Who put this one together?

The Ascension has the ‘Christopher Daniels in ROH’ issue – in that the entrance is pretty cool but it goes on FOREVER. As for the match, well there wasn’t all that much to it and Brian won with a big boot.

Winner: Conor O Brian

Kind of a lame duck show, but it’s to be expected considering they barely seem to know what is going on.