Impact Wrestling Results (6/28) – Aries Announces X Division Tournament, Tag Team Title Defense In Main Event

Bound For Glory Series
Bully Ray vs Samoa Joe

Bully Ray says Joe won't kill him, then he ducks under the ropes when Joe gets in his face. Bully backs off a few times, but Joe catches him in an armbar and pulls him to the center of the ring. He converts to a side headlock and they trade shoulder blocks, but Bully sends him down with an elbow. Bully follows with some elbows and a suplex, then he applies a Camel Clutch variation as we go to a commercial. We get back as Joe hits a spinning crescent kick in the corner, but Bully comes right back with a diving clothesline. Bully trades punches with Joe, then Joe unloads on him and runs the ropes but they both knock each other down with a clothesline. Joe gets back up a hits a few more rights, then Bully takes him down with a snapmare and slams him arm down on the mat.

Bully kicks Joe in the corner, then they end up on the floor and Joe throws a few more right hands. Bully slams his arm on the steps and rolls him in, then he whips Joe across the ring but Joe comes back with a spinebuster. Bully hits a sidewalk slam for a near fall, then he goes up top but Joe rolls away to avoid a senton splash. Bully heads outside and Joe attempts a suicide dive, but Bully jumps out of the way then kicks him in the head. Joseph Park makes his way out as the ref starts to count Joe out, then Bully goes after him but Park slaps him in the face. Bully can't believe it and stares him down, then Joe rolls in and gets Bully to tap to the Kokina Clutch.

Joseph takes a mic and calls him a no good bully, but he is making sure it ends tonight. He says it's not about his brother anymore, because he watched him throw his weight around long enough. Park says he is sick of it, and they can settle it once and for all if Bully wants, and all he needs is two weeks. Park says he is bringing the fight to him this time, then he leaves and Bully looks shocked.

Winner – Samoa Joe


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