WWE No Way Out

WWE No Way Out Results – June 17, 2012




WWE No Way Out Coverage



Results by Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com



WWE No Way Out PPV Pre-Show:



The YouTube pre-show begins with Scott Stanford and Matt Striker running down tonight’s lineup. Both guys hype up some of tonight’s top matches.



Pre-Show Backstage: Primo, Epico, Rosa Mendes & Abraham Washington



From there, we head backstage with Primo, Epico and Rosa Mendes screaming at Abraham Washington. They complain that Washington lost them a tag-title rematch because of their 30-day rematch clause expiring. Epico complains about having to work in a four-way match now just to earn a rematch.



Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga



Clay comes out first, still selling the knee injury. Otunga is out next. Our pre-show match is underway. Otunga is working over the knee of Clay early on. Clay tries to fight back, but Otunga simply bails out of the ring and walks around until he is counted out. Clay wins by countout.



Winner via Countout: Brodus Clay



Final Pre-Show Quick Notes:



-The announcers run down tonight’s PPV card again.



-Christian is interviewed (on the PPV pre-show).



-John Cena’s locker room is shown one final time.



-Vince McMahon being KO’d on Raw this past Monday is highlighted once more.



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