WWE Smackdown Results (6/1) – Sin Cara Returns, Big Show Continues His Assault, Punk Defends Against Kane

Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs Sheamus

Dolph whips Sheamus off the ropes and gets knocked down with a shoulder block, but he gets up and leapfrogs Sheamus and knocks him down with a dropkick. Sheamus hits another shoulder block, then he puts him in an armbar but Dolph backs him in the corner and punches him. The ref backs him off so Sheamus whips him across the ring, but Dolph leapfrogs him and catches him off guard with a kick. Dolph goes up top for a cross body, but Sheamus catches him on the way and slams him on the mat as we go to a commercial break. When we return, Sheamus fights out of a hammerlock and drops Dolph with some clotheslines, then he tackles Dolph in the corner and kicks him in the head.

Sheamus calls for a High Cross but Dolph crawls away, then Sheamus tries to pull him back in but Dolph pulls on the apron and the ref calls for a break. Dolph rams Sheamus in the stomach and snaps his head on the ropes, then he backs up and dropkicks Sheamus into the announcer's table. Sheamus makes it back in at the ref's seven count, but Dolph hits a neckbreaker for a two count and stomps him near the ropes. Dolph puts him in a side headlock, then Sheamus powers out and lifts him for a fireman's carry slam, only to have Dolph counter with a DDT. Dolph hits an elbow drop for another near fall, then Sheamus avoids a sleeperhold and clubs Dolph off the apron.

Sheamus suplexes him back in the ring and gets a near fall, then he hits an Irish Curse for another near fall before going up top. Dolph jumps up and crotches him on the ropes, then he runs up the turnbuckles and hits a super facebuster for a two count. Dolph goes for a Zig Zag but Sheamus throws him backwards, then he hits White Noise and calls for a Brogue Kick, but Jack Swagger runs out and tries to distract him. Sheamus punches him on the apron then Dolph attempts a legdrop bulldog, but Sheamus throws Dolph into Swagger and hits a Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner – Sheamus


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