WWE Smackdown Results (5/25) – Damien Sandow’s First Match, Eve Makes Triple Threat For No Way Out Title Shot

SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

May 25th 2012

Eve Torres comes out to the ring to remind everyone that John Laurinaitis is still in charge because he beat John Cena by pinfall. She says Johnny won't be there tonight because of an international business trip, and he left her in charge tonight. Eve says Johnny will deal with Cena on Monday, but she is taking care of Sheamus tonight because he needs to apologize for bumping into Johnny. Eve says she will also name his opponent for No Way Out, but Alberto Del Rio comes out and says she doesn't need to look for an opponent.

Alberto says he is the best and what happened to his quest was horrible, then he says she should make Johnny proud and give him the title shot. Randy Orton interrupts them and he says the fans should help her make this decision, and the fans cheer when he asks if they want to see him get the match. Orton says in the name of 'People Power', she has her answer, but Kane comes down to the ring and says neither one of them are qualified like he is. Kane says tonight's episode of Smackdown is #666, which should be proof he deserves it, but Eve says they will decide it in a triple threat match.

Christian vs Hunico (w/ Camacho)

Hunico applies a side headlock but Christian shoves him forward and hits a shoulder block, then Hunico chops him on the ropes but Christian backdrops him. Hunico rolls outside and Christian goes for a baseball slide kick, but Hunico runs away and Camacho causes a distraction. Hunico uses it to shove Christian into the ringpost, then he rolls him in and gets a near fall then bodyslams him but Christian avoids a moonsault. Christian slams him down and hits a clothesline, then he jumps off the middle rope but Hunico catches his legs and tries to roll him up. (Cont'd…)