WWE Over The Limit

WWE Over The Limit Results (5/20) – New IC Champion, Punk vs Bryan, Does John Laurinaitis Survive?

Swagger puts him in an armbar, but Kofi punches him in the stomach to break the hold then Swagger knocks him back down with a belly-to-belly suplex. Kofi avoids a legdrop and tags out, and Truth hits a corkscrew elbow and sitout suplex but Vickie gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Dolph attacks him and Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb for two, then Dolph hits an elbow drop for another near fall. He chokes Truth on the ropes then hits a vertical suplex, and he puts Truth in a front facelock but Truth counters out and gets a backslide for a near fall. Dolph and Swagger continue to use quick tags to keep Truth grounded, then Swagger holds Truth and Dolph bulldogs him for a two count.

Dolph puts Truth in a side headlock and does a headstand, then Truth makes a brief comeback but Dolph elbows him in the chest and tags out. Swagger punches him before propping him on the top rope, but Truth counters with a tornado DDT and dives to finally get the tag to Kofi. He leaps in and knocks Dolph and Swagger down with soem dropkicks, then he hits the Boom Drop and calls for Trouble In Paradise but Dolph ducks. Dolph whips him across the ring but Kofi hits a springboard crossbody for two, then Swagger breaks it up but Kofi throws him on the floor. Dolph catches him with a legdrop bulldog for a near fall, but Truth breaks up the pinfall and dives on Swagger while Kofi surprises Dolph with Trouble In Paradise to retain.

Winners – R-Truth & Kofi Kingston

Eve is shown talking to Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks (who are wearing ‘People Power’ t-shirts), and she says John Laurinaitis will be pleased that they are going to help out by confiscating offensive signs. They say they are glad to help, and Eve asks if there is anything illegal about it, and David Otunga assures her they can do it. Hawkins says he can’t believe someone would insult Johnny like that, and Reks says she can count on them before walking away.


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