WWE Over The Limit

WWE Over The Limit Results (5/20) – New IC Champion, Punk vs Bryan, Does John Laurinaitis Survive?

Johnny tries to beg Cena off and offers a handshake, but Cena slams him on the mat and hits an elbow drop before getting a microphone. Cena says he is going to put Johnny in the STF, and he will let go if Johnny taps out or if he can make it to a ten second count. He says the good news is he made it, but the bad news is that he is doing it again, and the fans count to ten again. Cena says he could use a drink and asks Justin Roberts for some water, then he dumps a few bottles of water on Johnny’s head and down his pants.

Cena gets a fire extinguisher and Johnny tries to beg him off, but Cena corner him and sprays it on him until Johnny rolls out of the ring. Cena dumps a garbage can on his head, then Johnny tries to run away and he attacks Cena’s arm and throws him into the ring steps. Johnny brings a chair into the ring and he hits Cena in the ribs, then he hits him a few more times and makes a cover but Cena kicks out at two. Cena blocks a chair shot then elbow drops Johnny with the chair, but Johnny hits him below the belt and tries to run through the crowd again. Johnny makes it to the tunnel and Cena wonders what is going on, but Big Show grabs him by the throat and drags him back into the ring.

Big Show watches as Johnny tries to beg him off, then he steps on Johnny’s hand when he tries to crawl out of the ring to escape. Big Show grabs him by the throat and shakes his head at Cena, then he shoves Johnny across the ring and Cena lifts him up for an Attitude Adjustment. Big Show hits Cena with the Knockout Punch and watches in the corner as Johnny crawls over and makes the cover, then he helps Johnny up and raises his arm in victory.

Winner – John Laurinaitis

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