Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio
Alberto punches Orton in the corner a few times then he attacks Orton's arm and chokes him on the ropes until the ref backs him away. Ricardo hits Orton behind the ref's back and Alberto bodyslams him for a two count, but Orton fights out of an hammerlock and punches him in the head. Orton hits some clotheslines and a powerslam, then he attempts a hanging DDT but Alberto kicks him in the shoulder and gets another near fall. Alberto repeatedly kicks him in the shoulder and runs off the ropes, but Orton counters with a backbreaker and gets a two count.
Alberto jumps up and kicks him in the shoulder and goes for a Cross Armbreaker, but Orton shoves him into the corner and hits a top rope hanging DDT. Orton sets up for a RKO but Ricardo climbs to the top rope, and he jumps off but Orton RKO's him and the ref calls for the bell. Alberto attacks Orton from behind and throws him shoulder first into the ringpost, then he attempts to put him in the Cross Armbreaker. He does some damage but Orton gets away as referees run out to stop him, and Alberto just laughs while Orton is attended to.
Winner (by disqualification) – Randy Orton
R-Truth (w/ Kofi Kingston) vs Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler)
Swagger punches Truth in the corner and whips him across the ring, but he misses a corner splash and Truth hiptosses him back across the ring. Truth hits a legdrop for a two count, then he runs the ropes but Swagger catches him and slams him down before hitting a kidney punch off the ropes. Swagger goes for a backdrop but Truth counters with a DDT, then he avoids a corner clothesline and Truth gets another near fall rollup. Truth catches Swagger with a corkscrew elbow but Dolph breaks up the pin, then Truth goes out and gets in his face and Kofi dives on him. Swagger hits Truth on the floor and rolls him in, but Kofi hits an enziguiri while he gets in and Truth hits the Little Jimmy for the win.
Winner – R-Truth