WWE RAW Results (5/7) – WHC Match Changed at Over The Limit, Brock Lesnar’s “Extreme” Legal Advisor Announces He Quits, Punk vs Tensai/Bryan In Handicap Match

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan & Lord Tensai (w/ Sakamoto)

Back in the arena, CM Punk makes his entrance for the main event, but John Laurinaitis walks out and tells him it's going to be a handicapped match with Daniel Bryan as Lord Tensai's partner. We start the match right after a commercial, and Tensai slams Punk on the mat and drops an elbow before tagging out. Bryan kicks Punk a few times but he gets up and they trade punches before Punk runs the ropes and they collide in mid air. Tensai comes back in and hits a delayed underhook suplex then throws Punk outside, and he knees him in the chest and slams him into the ringpost. Tensai rolls him in and knees him before hitting a running senton, then Bryan comes in and kicks Punk a few times but Punk comes back with a neckbreaker.

Punk hits a running knee and a bulldog, then he calls for a GTS but Bryan floats over and Tensai blindtags while Punk is turned. Punk goes after Bryan but he gets hit from the apron by Tensai, then Punk knocks him down with a high kick before heading to the top turnbuckle. Sakamoto jumps up on the apron to distract the ref, then Bryan shoves him and Tensai drops Punk with a chokebomb and sprays green mist in the air. Tensai drops him with his clawhold for the win, then Bryan starts a YES! chant before attacking Punk postmatch and putting him in the YES! Lock.  

Winners – Daniel Bryan & Lord Tensai

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