WWE RAW Results (5/7) – WHC Match Changed at Over The Limit, Brock Lesnar’s “Extreme” Legal Advisor Announces He Quits, Punk vs Tensai/Bryan In Handicap Match

The announcers recap Brock Lesnar's action from last week then tell us that he was invited to the show, but he declined and sent his legal advisors instead. Brock's music plays but Paul Heyman (PAUL HEYMAN!) walks out to the ring and says Brock is the most destructive force in WWE history. He adds that Brock has been booed since day one, and today's WWE is so much different than ten years ago because they are too image conscience. Heyman says John Laurinaitis signed Brock to a fair contract and they all witnessed it, but now he feels betrayed by them.

Heyman puts over Brock's accomplishments and calls him an honest man, and he says Brock kicked ass like he told them but he has a statement to read. Heyman reads it and says Brock came back to bring back legitimacy, and that's what he did and he doesn't feel bad about what he did to John Cena or HHH. He says HHH lasted in Hell In A Cell with the Undertaker, but he couldn't last in a fight with him because he took a corporate job and can't handle it. Heyman says Brock did what he had to, but he is never coming back because he quits, then Heyman drops the mic and leaves to a chorus of boos.

Big Show is shown talking to the stars of USA's 'Common Law' about the rules of his earlier match, and they tell him he shouldn't be apologizing. They say John Laurinaitis stinks and they don't like him, but they are detectives for a reason and they are going to launch an investigation about the matter. They start making fun of John's voice again and do some impressions of him, and Big Show laughs about it until Eve walks over and scolds him again.