When we return, Jericho is working on Sheamus' shoulder and he tells the ref to ask him if he can continue, but Sheamus backs him into the corner and hits some elbows. Sheamus knocks Jericho down with a clothesline and makes the tag, then Orton drops Alberto with some clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton follows with a hanging DDT and calls for a RKO, then he powerslams Jericho when he breaks it and Ricardo jumps on the apron. Alberto catches him with a boot to the head, then he snaps Orton's arm down on the ropes while Jericho distracts the ref.
Orton catches Jericho offguard and knocks him down, but Jericho comes back with a seated dropkick before taunting Sheamus. He suplexes Orton and yells 'best in the world,' then he puts Orton in a headlock but Orton gets up and counters a bodyslam with a near fall roll up. Jericho connects with an enziguiri and continues to taunt Sheamus, then Alberto comes back in and jumps down on Orton's arm. Alberto calls for a Cross Armbreaker but Orton counters with a backbreaker, then they both tag out and Sheamus spears Jericho in the corner and knocks him down with a high knee lift.
Sheamus attempts Pale Justice but Jericho slides out and counters with a Walls of Jericho attempt, then Sheamus kicks him away and hits an Irish Curse but Alberto breaks up the pin. Orton drops him with a RKO while Sheamus sets up a Brogue Kick on Jericho, but Jericho ducks and Sheamus hits Orton instead. Jericho drops Sheamus with a Codebreaker to win the match, then he screams that the title is his while Sheamus shakes his head at what just happened. He walks over and tries to help Orton up, but Orton surprises him with a RKO and celebrates on the turnbuckles after we see a replay.
Winners – Alberto Del Rio & Chris Jericho