Beat The Clock Challenge
The Miz vs Santino Marella
Santino goes for a quick rollup then Miz punches him and hits a kneelift for two, and he goes for a suplex but Santino floats over and hits a shoulder block. Miz kicks him in the head for another near fall, then he punches him in the head and follows it with a sit out side slam for a two count. Miz hits a running clothesline in the corner before hitting a top rope axe handle smash, then he punches Santino in the head and applies a headlock. Santino counters out with a side suplex, then he flapjacks Miz and hits a hiptoss and a diving headbutt. He calls for Cobra but Miz ducks and goes for a rollup, then Santino reverses it only to have Miz kick out and catch him with a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.
Winner – The Miz (4:18)
Divas Championship
Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella vs Layla
Nikki and Brie argue with each other about starting the match, then Layla dropkicks both of them and rolls one of them up to retain.
Winner – Layla
Beat The Clock Challenge
Chris Jericho vs Big Show
Big Show punches Jericho in the corner and chops him before hitting a bodyslam for two, then he backs Jericho into the corner and punches him in the stomach. He whips him across the ring and hits a clothesline, but Jericho runs back and chopblocks his knees before kicking him in the head. Jericho jumps off the top turnbuckle but Show slaps him in the chest, then he goes up top for a Vader Bomb but Jericho rolls away. He hits a Lionsault for a two count and goes for Walls of Jericho, but Show rolls him up for another near fall and goes for a chokeslam. (Cont'd…)