WrestleZone.com reader Damien Smith from Star Power Training sent along the following …
Website – www.starpowertraining.com
Star Power Training presents another series of professional wrestling seminars following last August’s hugely successful Colt Cabana classes and Kid Kash course in 2010. This year we are proud to host Ring of Honor Champion Davey Richards as he leads seminars in Manchester throughout August 2012.
Course Dates
Beginner: Monday 13th to Friday 17th August 2012
Advanced: Monday 20th to Friday 24th August 2012
Any enquiries email enquiries@starpowertraining.com
Widely considered the best independent pro-wrestler in the world with numerous tours of Japan, Europe and beyond, as well as being heavily entrenched on the rosters of many of the top US promotions. The multiple world champion, and current ROH World Heavyweight Champion is eager to bring his extensive knowledge of professional wrestling and its numerous styles, as well has his training in amateur wrestling, Muay Thai and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu to the next generation Europe’s Wrestlers.
This truly is a unique opportunity to learn from one of the most dedicated and hard-working wrestlers in the business today, and Star Power Training is proud to bring yet another world class series of seminars to the UK.
Seminars will include:
-5 days training Monday to Friday
-Minimum of 30 hours training
-Limited numbers of 16 each week in order to maximise the benefit for each individual
-The best training available in the UK
Davey Richards will be based not far from the facility and on hand to dedicate his time and exceptional experience completely to the development of those attending the seminar.
The training facility itself will be FutureShock Training School in Manchester, one of the best equipped training facilities in the UK with 16 x 16 professional ring, fully matted area, fully equipped weights and fitness gym, juice and protein bar, sunbeds, showers & sauna.