WWE Championship (Chicago Street Fight)
Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
Punk stomps Jericho in the corner then gets a kendo stick, and he jabs Jericho in the chest with it before chasing Jericho back in the ring. Jericho runs the ropes but Punk meets him with a diving clothesline, then he wedges a chair in the turnbuckle but Jericho rakes his eyes. He hits Punk with the kendo stick and hits a springboard dropkick, then he showboats before going outside and punching Punk in the face. Jericho whips him into the barricade, then he throws a metal case at him and headbutts him before rolling back in the ring. He takes the turnbuckle pad off before punching Punk in the back of the head, then gets up and chops him but misses a running knee strike in the corner.
Jericho pulls the padding off the barricade and slams his head into the railing in front of Punk's sister, then he mocks Punk's family but his sister slaps Jericho in the face. Jericho dives at her but Punk drops him with a flying forearm shot, then he flips out and starts taking apart the announcer's tables. Punk knocks Jericho down and tries to piledrive him on the floor, but Jericho counters with a backdrop then he hits Punk with a monitor. He slams a piece of the table on Punk's back, then they roll back in the ring and Jericho puts Punk in a chinlock. Punk hits a side slam to get out, then he tries a springboard move but he slips up and Jericho beats him with the kendo stick.
Jericho mocks him and tells him to look at his sister, then he tries to pull Punk up but Punk surprises him with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho goes under the ring and gets a beer, then he pours it over Punk's head and punches him while he calls him a piece of trash. He gets another beer and drinks some, but Punk kicks him in the stomach then repeatedly hits him with the kendo stick. Punk whips him off the ropes and hits a back heel kick, then he follows with a neckbreaker and a running knee strike and bulldog. He hits Jericho below the belt with the kendo stick and calls for a GTS, but Jericho counters with a Walls of Jericho attempt. (Cont'd…)