Impact Wrestling Results (4/26) – Open Fight Night, TNA Gut Check, Eric Bischoff’s Farewell

Hulk Hogan comes out after the teams are in the ring, and he says it has been great so far but this is the toughest decision he has made yet. He says Daniels and Kazarian are a great team, but the other two guys can't get along so they are out and he wants to see Anderson and Hardy make it work.

World Tag Team Championships

Jeff Hardy & Ken Anderson vs Samoa Joe & Magnus (c)

Joe unloads on Anderson in the corner, then Anderson come back with some strikes and applies an armbar before looking at Hardy for a reluctant tag. Magnus comes in and hits Hardy in the corner, then Hardy comes back with a spinning headscissors and a dropkick for a near fall. Anderson tags in and attempts a double team with Hardy, but Magnus fights them both off and tags Joe while Anderson yells at Hardy to back off. We get back after a commercial break, and Hardy hits an atomic drop and a legdrop then chases Magnus around the ringside area. Joe attacks while Anderson watches, then Joe and Magnus roll Hardy in and hit a double team big boot and senton splash for a near fall.

Hardy comes back with a boot to the face and Whisper In The Wind, then they both tag out and Anderson unloads on Magnus with some clotheslines. He hits a neckbreaker then clotheslines Joe, but Magnus avoids a clothesline then Joe slams Hardy on the mat and gets another near fall. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate while Magnus whips Anderson into the steps outside, then Hardy thinks about going for a Swanton but dives on Magnus instead. Anderson rolls in and goes for a Mic Check, but Joe avoids it applies the Kokina Clutch while Hardy tries to break it up. Magnus holds Hardy's legs so he can't get in, then Anderson taps out and Hardy argues with him while Daniels and Kazarian run out and attack the champs.

Winners – Samoa Joe & Magnus