JR Blog: Lesnar/Cena Match, Extreme Rules Thoughts, FCW

Jim Ross

The following are highlights from the latest online blog by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:

JR on Florida Championship Wrestling: "FCW records three, one hour TV shows tonight at 7. I expect all three shows to feature some outstanding main events. For these kids, every match in every segment is imperative. Love the sense of urgency that these broadcasts produce for young talents looking to earn the opportunity to move up to WWE."

"These kids are being trained well by some dedicated individuals. I like this group as I feel their potential is obvious. However, as I've always said, potential won't buy the groceries forever. The time is now for many talented grapplers."

JR on Lesnar vs. Cena at "Extreme Rules": "Seems as if many fans are giving John Cena little chance of defeating returning beast Brock Lesnar this Sunday on PPV at Extreme Rules. I'm NOT of that belief. Whether it be 'ring rust', Brock's overconfidence or Cena's competitive spirit, I still feel this match is too close for me to predict."

JR on other Extreme Rules matches/thoughts: "Punk vs Jericho will be masterful but I sense Sheamus vs Bryan may steal the PPV w/ potentially three falls to work with."

"Simply as a fan, Extreme Rules is going to be must see for me Sunday night on PPV."

Check out the complete blog online at JRsBarBQ.com.

WWE Extreme Rules


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