Teddy Long is in CM Punk's locker room to tell him about a field sobriety test, but Punk says it doesn't matter because he is straight edge. Punk says he is insulted because he is sober, but he slurs his words and falls over while he flips out and throws a chair against a wall. Teddy goes to the ring with some police officers, but Jericho comes out and says he is imcompitent so he wants to make sure things go right. Jericho says he wants to be there when he strips Punk of his title so he can hand it to him personally, then Teddy says if he does fail, Punk will lose his title.
Punk makes his way out and stumbles, then he hands a police officer a microphone while he gets in the ring and he tells Teddy this whole thing is ridiculous. Teddy says it's what has to happen, then the officer tells him to recite the alphabet backwards and Punk says no one can do it drunk or sober. The officer asks him to walk the red line in the ring if he can't recite the alphabet, then Jericho screams at him to do it while Punk says he has seen this on 'Cops.' Punk does the karate kid pose and stumbles around, then he tells Jericho to shut up while he attempts to walk across one more time. He stumbles again so Jericho orders Teddy to strip him of the title, and Teddy asks the officer what his opinion is.
The officer says Punk is drunk and Teddy tells him to leave, and Jericho gloats about Punk being drunk while Teddy asks for the title. Punk looks at his title while Jericho screams at him, then he hands it to Teddy and Jericho tells him to hand it over right now. Punk stops him and asks for one more chance, and Jericho says he is embarrassing himself but Punk attempts to recite the alphabet backwards again. He gets through it all while moonwalking and Flair strutting, then he gets to 'A' and hits Jericho in the head with the mic. Punk beats the hell out of him and Jericho tries running, but Punk catches him and throws him into the ring steps. He continues to hit Jericho until he finally gets away, and Teddy hands Punk his title while John Laurinaitis and Eve watch backstage.