Cody goes back to Sheamus and puts him in a rear choke, but Sheamus stands up and backs him into the corner. Sheamus runs at him but Cody counters with a drop toe hold, then he puts Sheamus in a front facelock to try and keep him grounded. He gets up and throws Cody back, and Cody tries to hit a Beautiful Disaster but Sheamus counters with a diving shoulder tackle. Orton tags in and hits a hanging DDT, then he waits for a RKO but Bryan runs in to stop him. He drops Bryan with a spinning powerslam, but Orton gets up and turns around into a clothesline by Henry as we go to a commercial.
When we get back, Henry stomps Orton and asks Bryan if he wants some, then Bryan tags in and hits a running corner dropkick for another near fall. Bryan bodyslams Orton and goes up top, but he misses a diving headbutt and Orton tags Show, and he clotheslines Henry and hits a corner splash. Cody kicks him from the apron, and Henry clotheslines him before tagging Cody back in, and he goes right back to work on Show's weakened shoulder. Cody attacks his legs and applies a figure four in the middle of the ring but reaches and tags Henry, and he gets in and splashes Show.
Bryan tags in next and DDT's Show, but Show powers out of a pin that sends him to the floor, then Sheamus tags in an clotheslines Bryan. He beats on Bryan in the corner and hits a spinning powerslam for two, but Cody runs in and breaks up the pin attempt. He celebrates on the floor but Show turns him around and knocks him out, then Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and he rolls over and makes a tag. Henry gets in but Sheamus hits him with a Brogue Kick, then he tags Orton while Henry falls on the ropes. Show spins him around with a Knockout Punch then Orton hits a RKO and makes a cover to win the match.
Winners – Sheamus, Randy Orton & Big Show
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