Show goes for a chokeslam but Alberto flats over, then he kicks him and jumps down on his arm before calling for a Cross Armbreaker. Show counters by lifting him on his shoulders and throwing him across the ring, then they both get up at the five count and Show blocks a kick to the head. He slaps Alberto in the chest and connects with a spear, then he calls for a chokeslam but Ricardo gets on the apron while Cody Rhodes runs out to ringside. Cody hits Beautiful Disaster and Alberto makes the cover, then Cody attacks Show after the bell but Show gets up and Cody runs through the crowd to get away.
Winner – Alberto Del Rio
Danny Lerman vs Ryback
Lerman kicks Ryback in the legs but he gets thrown backwards with a legsweep, then Ryback hits a fallaway slam and calls for him to get up. Ryback hits a running lariat and says it's time to finish him, then he picks him up and hits a Muscle Buster for the win.
Winner – Ryback
Teddy Long is shown guarding John Laurinaitis' office when William Regal walks over and tries to get him to laugh, then he pats him on the shoulder and walks away. Aksana walks in with Antonio Cesaro and she asks why Teddy is wearing a funny costume, then she says Antonio is one of her old friends. She says he has dreams of becoming a WWE Superstar, then he asks why she said her boyfriend was an important part of WWE. Aksana says Teddy used to be in charge, but she brushes by Teddy and they enter the office and John asks Teddy how he liked meeting Aksana's 'friend.'