WWE RAW Results (4/9) – The Three Stooges Appear, Punk Responds To Jericho, Cena/Brock Face Off Again

R-Truth vs Cody Rhodes

Truth hits Cody a few times and goes for a backdrop, but Cody counters with an Alabama Slam then Big Show interrupts him again. He plays a clip of last week's RAW where Kofi beat him with Trouble In Paradise, then Truth surprises him with the Little Jimmy for the win.

Winner – R-Truth

Santino Marella is shown looking for the Three Stooges, and he asks Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks is they know where the Stooges are. They say no, so Santino continues to search until he runs into an angered Kane, then he turns around and runs away. Santino finds a box marked 'fragile' and he thinks it is a gift from his mother, but he pries it open and the Stooges fall out. He expresses his excitement and they do a running gag, then Moe asks to learn how to do the Cobra. He turns it into an eyepoke, then Larry says they need to think of something great for the fans and go back in the box.

Lord Tensai (w/ Sakamoto) vs Yoshi Tatsu

Tensai pulls Yoshi in and chops him, then drops his leg down on his shoulder before throwing him in the corner and headbutting him. He picks Yoshi up for a double underhook suplex, then he hits a running senton and a corner splash. Tensai elbows him in the head a few times, then he drops him with a choke bomb and the ref calls for the bell. Tensai spits mist in the air and puts Yoshi in the claw nerve hold, then slams his head on the mat before leaving. 

Winner – Lord Tensai


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