(Spoilers) ROH TV Taping Results For Next Four Weeks

Taped for 5/12:

1. Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin vs. D-Line (Body Snatcher & Black Ice): Big pop for D-Line, big heat for WGTT. Big chants for D-Line to start, dressed like football players. D-Line kids are jeering the shit out of Charlie Haas. The D-Line wrestler with the mo hawk taps to the Haas of Pain in a fun, very basic 5 min match.

2. Chikara Showcase: Los Ice Creams & Ophidian vs. The Colony (Fire Ant & Soldier Ant & Green Ant): The Colony win a crazy 7 minute match with some crazy triple team finisher. Fun! Crowd into it.

3. Jay Lethal vs. Ricky Reyes: Big pop for Jay. No handshake, Ricky playing evil heel. Jay wins a fine 3 min match with Lethal Injection.

4. Proving Ground Match: Davey Richards vs. Rhino (w/ Truth Martini & Roderick Strong): This will allow me to directly compare Rhino and Elgin. Davey doesn’t have his Japanese title but does have the ROH Title. Rhino playing into the Gore chants, likes the crowd. No handshake. Early submission from Davey, but Rhino gets the ropes. “Midnight Cowgirl” chant for Truth in his gay white cowboy outfit. Then “Truth’s a Spice Girl”. Hard brawling on the outside. Rhino takes over in the ring with a big spinebuster. Playing total face. “Gore” chants. Davey takes control with a suicide dive. Trade punches in the ring, big suplex from Davey for two. Rhino comes back with a belly to belly for two. Davey hits an enzugiri, but Rhino comes back with a clothesline and a Boston Crab. Dueling chants. Davey reverses into ankle lock. Rhino eventually breaks out, sets up for the Gore, but Davey reverses into a sunset flip for the pin and win. 14 minutes, good match. Roddy comes in to attack Davey, but Lethal comes out for the save.

Elgin’s better.

– 98 Rock guy back out with more free stuff.

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