WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Results (4/1) – Two New Champions, End of an Era, Rock/Cena

Both men get to their feet at the seven count and they trade punches, then Rock unloads with a few rights and mocks with the ‘U Can’t See Me’ taunt but Cena hits an AA! Rock kicks out at two, then Cena pulls him up but Rock surprises him with a Rock Bottom for another hear fall. Rock gets up and kicks Cena in the corner, then he tries to whip Cena to the opposite corner but Cena counters with a side slam for another near fall. Cena climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Rock to stand up, then he jumps off and hits a legdrop bulldog for another very close fall. Cena goes for another AA but Rock grabs the top rope and counters with a Sharpshooter, but Cena is able to pull himself to the ropes.

Rock breaks the hold, but puts Cena back into the hold until Cena grabs the ropes again, so Rock goes outside and punches him on the ring apron. He throws Cena into the ring steps, then throws his head into the side of the steps before rolling him back onto the apron. Rock tries to pull him back in but Cena springboards back in and puts him in the STF, and Cena screams ‘TAP’ but Rock reaches for the ropes. Cena readjusts himself and pulls Rock towards the center of the ring, then he reapplies the STF and he looks to have Rock passed out. The ref raises his arm twice and it falls, but he psyches up before the third arm raise and makes it to the ropes. Rock rebounds with a Samoan drop, then they trade punches again before Rock goes for a Rock Bottom.

Cena counters with an AA attempt but Rock blocks it and hits a spinebuster, then he sets Cena up and hits a People’s Elbow for a two count. Rock pulls himself up and moves towards Cena, but Cena rolls him up and gets a two count before slingshotting him into the corner for another near fall. Cena struggles to pull Rock up and sets him up on the top turnbuckle, but Rock punches him in the ribs and shoves him back down to the mat. Rock stands up and hits a crossbody, but Cena rolls through and picks him up to hit an AA, but Rock kicks out and Cena can’t believe it. Cena stands and looks at his hand before mocking Rock and setting up a People’s Elbow, but Rock leaps up and hits a Rock Bottom then makes the cover to win.

Winner – The Rock

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