Brodus Clay comes out and says he is finally a part of Wrestlemania, so he is going to do something special and tells everyone to grab their phones. He calls his momma and she says she is there at the arena with her bridge club, then she comes out after Brodus introduces her. Momma busts a move while a bunch of other “mommas” from the bridge club dance behind her and everyone continues to dance as we get a preview of the final match.
Once In A Lifetime
John Cena vs The Rock
Rock and Cena face off and look at the crowd before the ref backs them off into their corners, then the bell rings and they lock up but Cena throws Rock to the mat. Rock gets back up and shoves Cena into the corner, then they lock back up and Rock applies a side headlock but Cena reverses into an armdrag. Rock comes back with an armdrag of his own, then he gets a near fall and Cena holds up his hand and says it was only a two count. Rock sends him off the ropes and hiptosses him, then Cena comes back with an armdrag and a side headlock, but Rock breaks the hold and punches Cena in the head. He goes for a leg submission but Cena rolls outside, then he climbs back in the ring and rams his shoulder into Rock’s midsection. He backs up and hits a clothesline, then he puts Rock in a bearhug but Rock punches him in the head to break the hold.
Cena pulls the top rope down and Rock crashes to the floor, then Cena follows him out and drops him throat first on the barricade. Rock tries to pull himself up but Cena scoops him up and throws him on the announcer’s table, then he rolls Rock in and gets a near fall. Cena continues to target Rock’s ribs and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count, then he blocks a punch and puts Rock in a bear hug. Rock looks like he is fading out, but he comes back with some right hands to break the hold and drops Cena with a snap DDT for a two count. Rock follows this up with a spinebuster and goes for a People’s Elbow, then Cena counters with a STF attempt but Rock breaks the hold. Cena hits him a few times and connects with a Five Knuckle Shuffle, then he smirks and goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Rock counters and they double clothesline each other. (Cont’d…)