Detailed Review of Last Night’s WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony

WWE Hall of FameThanks to Joe for sending this in:

I just returned from the HoF and I thought I'd give a quick rundown. (Note: every inductee received a standing ovation)

1. Ron Simmons gets inducted

Notes: JBL had the best 'inductor speech' of the night. He had no papers, had great stories and made you feel like you've been a fan of Simmons for his entire career.

Simmons speech was nice. Had some funny moments and ended with the expected 'DAMN!"

2. Mil Mascares gets inducted

Notes: Del Rio got a really good pop from the crowd and he seemed genuinely happy if not surprised by it. He didn't say a whole lot to build up his Uncle though.

Mil Mascares lost the crowd. Not really to his fault. Not many are familiar with him and it's clear English isn't his first language.
He had some humorous moments when he talked about having many wives by suing his different masks, so they didn't realize who was who. He accepted his induction wearing the mask.

3. 4 Horsemen get inducted

Notes: Dusty did his typical preacher spiel. He was the first inductor to get a standing ovation.

JJ Dillon

Flair seemed really excited and had some stories from when they were together.
Arn had the best inductee speech of the night giving props to many of today's talent. Something I remember him saying was along the lines of, 'we are watching HHH, Taker, Kane, Edge, HBK, Jericho….Watch them as much as you can until they retire because we'll never see a group of leaders like them'.

4. Tyson gets inducted

Notes: HBK and HHH have a funny intro for him going into DX mode with their humor.

Tyson was a train wreck however. He couldn't stay on one topic. Going from always loving WWE, to loving his family, to saying how Cena and Dusty act black (in a funny way). Then his ring slipped and fell off him, he laughed and left. Just a really strange speech that I have no doubt, will not make it on tv.

5. Yokozuna gets inducted.

Notes: Usos induct him and Rikishi along with Yoko's mother as well as I think the Wild Samoans were up there too.

It was a nice induction. Rikishi is a good speaker and helped promote how, while a monster with his character, Rodney was an amazing man who the family loved.

6. Edge gets inducted

Notes: Christian had great memories of him and got choked up a lot.
Edge must have spoke for 30-45 minutes. He told a lot of stories as well and his final thank you was to his mother who always supported his wrestling career.

Other notes:

In the crowd were Lita, Rhino, and Lance Storm
Crowd booed Cena even when it was inappropriate. Example being, Arn talked about how Cena was always taking care of the make a wish foundation kids and loved doing it. Then they show Cena, and the crowd booed. I thought it was pretty tasteless but that's what you get when you're in enemy territory I suppose.

It was a great show and Mania tomorrow should be electric.


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